Saturday 21 June 2014

charecter deveopment 3

So far the elements I have added to my character have helped define Jimmy porters character, in rehearsals I worked to find my characters motivation to why he acts the way he does, my take of Jimmy’s motivation is that his hatred for upper class British people that don’t work hard in life to get through it is channelled into his own marriage meaning that even though he cares for Alison at the same time he despises her upper class background so when Alison’s character says the line “Really, Jimmy your like a child” It motivates Jimmy to try and offend her in greater way and motivates him to gain a reaction from Alison because he is greatly offended that someone from a higher class is patronising him, to him it is the same patronisation he feels in his everyday life with English society, Jimmy, unable to gain a reaction Jimmy then has a violent outburst where he throws Cliff into Alison, this is because he feels beaten, he is unable to let what Alison said go because he is unable to allow anybody who has had a wealthy background make him look foolish. Understanding my characters motivation has helped me so far in the development of Jimmy. In the extract there is also a part where Jimmy tries to disgust the other characters in the play by describing something discussing and then he compares it to his wife in an attempt to gain a reaction, I have decided to add more to this to really convey how far Jimmy will go to gain the reaction he desires, I also saw this as an opportunity also show Jimmy’s lack of general social limits, I do this by flaring my nostrils, using expressive hand gestures which included rubbing my thumb on my fingers with my hands facing up and in front of me and also by using an expressive voice tone which included me deepening my voice with a gritty sound texture all when I said the line “Did you ever see some dirty old Arab sticking his fingers in into some mess of lamb fat and gristle? Well, she’s just like that. Thank god they don’t have many women surgeons! Those primitive hands would have your guts out in no time. Due to Jimmy’s lack of respect for people in general I believe he is unlikely to respect people’s property, also Jimmy disrespecting people’s property helps portray him as the arrogant character he, for example when my co performer Danielle says the line clear out of my sight she throws a jacket in my face, I plan to then take this jacket and drop it as I making eye contact with Danielle to show not only my lack of respect for the item of clothing but the lack my character has for Alison (Danielle’s character). I also convey this by throwing a newspaper on the floor in frustration when I say the line “Don’t try and patronise me”

1 comment:

  1. You are developing your character well, and you are applying your understanding of the wider context of the play from your research.
